Info Kerjaya Malaysia

Contoh Surat Penangguhan Mula Bekerja Di Tempat Kerja Baru


Adalah merupakan detik yang sangat menggembirakan sebaik sahaja anda menerima berita bahawa anda diterima bekerja di tempat baru yang dipohon sebelum ini. Syukur kepada Tuhan atas rezeki-Nya.

Namun, terdapat satu perkara yang bakal merunsingkan iaitu anda sebenarnya masih lagi terikat dengan tempat kerja lama selama sebulan ataupun beberapa bulan berdasarkan tempoh notis daripada majikan lama anda.

Baca juga: Dokumen Yang Anda Tidak Perlu Bawa Semasa Temuduga

Anda pastinya akan berasa risau kerana tidak melapor diri di tempat kerja baru dalam menunggu tempoh notis tempat kerja lama anda tamat. Anda juga semestinya bimbang kerana menyangka majikan baru mungkin akan menarik semula tawaran kerja yang diberi kepada anda.

Bukan begitu sebenarnya! Jangan risau! Majikan baru tidak akan menarik semula tawaran itu kerana mereka juga faham situasi anda. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan hanyalah menyediakan surat penangguhan mula bekerja di tempat kerja tersebut.

Anda tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menyediakan surat penangguhan ini? Jangan risau. Kami sedia membantu. Dalam artikel ini akan dikongsikan contoh surat penangguhan mula bekerja di tempat kerja baru anda.


Berikut merupakan contoh surat yang pertama:

April 12, 2014

Ronan Jones


QWE Company Honolulu, Hawaii

Dear Sir,

The undersigned is a new employee of your company that is supposed to start working on April 15, 2014. But I can`t start working on that date due to the reason that I am still processing my formal resignation to my former job. And also I am still finding a place to relocate my residence near your company.

In view of this, I would like to request to move my start date on April 25, 2014. Rest assured that I will surely start working on the said date. And I will do my best in order to contribute to your company. I hope for your kindness and consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Tommy Denmark.


Berikut merupakan contoh kedua surat tersebut:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for offering the job as a programmer in your company. I regret to say, however, due to a previous commitment to my current employer, I have to stay in this post for another two weeks.

Therefore, I am writing to request for a permission to delay the start of the job if possible. My current team leader asked me to continue to work until the end of the ongoing project I am in. Because I received this request after my job interview in your company and before I got the offer, and I was not sure if you would grant me the post, I accepted the superior’s request.

Nevertheless, I sincerely love my position in your company for my interest of being a programmer and the salary you have offered. Therefore, I hope that you can allow me to begin the job two weeks later.

I am sorry for all the inconvenience to you as a result and would accept a fine for this. I would be grateful if you could reserve this job opportunity for me. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Melaminefree Wang

Diharapkan semoga perkongsian ini dapat memberikan manfaat buat anda terutama kepada anda yang sedang dalam usaha menulis surat penangguhan kerja. Kami mengucapkan tahniah kepada anda yang telah menerima tawaran kerja di tempat kerja baru yang anda mohon.
